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MRI Documents for volunteers

Prior to MRI study, the volunteers are scanned for inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Safety first!!!

For more information:
MRT Kontraindikationen deutsch
MRT Kontraindikationen englisch

For safety reasons and to clarify the criteria for inclusion in the MRI study in a form for the initial evaluation of initial survey is completed.
For more information:

Probandeninformation 3T MRT
Each participant in an MRI study is informed prior to the examination of the content of the object and purpose, risks and side effects.
For more information:
Probandeninformation 3T MRT

Probanden Einwilligungserklärung 3T MRT
Each participant in a MRI study must express its consent prior to the study with his signature.
For more information:
Einwilligungserklärung 3T MRT

Probandenaufklärung und Einwilligung 7T MRT
Each participant in an MRI study is informed prior to the examination of the content of the object and purpose, risks and side effects.
Each participant in a MRI study must express its consent prior to the study with his signature.
For more information:
Patientenaufklärung und Einwilligung 7T MRT deutsch
Patientenaufklärung und Einwilligung 7T MRT englisch

CRF (Case Report Form) 3T MRT und 7T MRT
All activities within the study need to be documented in a predetermined protocol.
For more information:

Volunteers receive an financial compensation for the time participation in the MRI study.
For more information:

BUFF Lageplan
To find us, look at our location map.
For more information:
BUFF Lageplan

Revised on 2013-04-16 14:57:44 +0200