C. Blücher, C. Özerdem
ECR building 89, room 217
C. Blücher (Master thesis application) MR-based Attenuation Correction in PET/MR-Systems – initial concept of BRUKER Biospin for small animal imaging Nowadays combined PET/CT-Systems are commonly used to perform PET imaging with attenuation correction. However, more and more efforts are made to develop hybrid PET/MR-Systems with attenuation correction in order to benefit from the high tissue contrast of the MRI. Since MRI does not provide any knowledge about the attenuation properties of the tissue a different approach is needed to determine this information. This presentation will introduce an initial concept to derive an approximate attenuation map from the MRI data of the animal under investigation which then can be used to correct the attenuation effects. Also the impact of errors in the attenuation map will be addressed C. Özderdem PhD project update Status: confirmed