Anderhalten, Lina Carlotta
ECR building 89, room 217
Lina have studied medicine at Charité in Berlin and received her medical license (Approbation) in spring 2022. She is working with AG Infante-Duarte (experimental Neuroimmunology) since 2018 and is currently finishing her MD/PhD at ECRC Berlin Buch. In the past she has mainly investigated gadolinium retention in the CNS of healthy and EAE mice after gadolinium contrast agent application in vivo using 7T mouse MRI and laser ablation ICP-MS as well as an ex vivo model of living brain tissue. In May she will move from pre-clinical to clinical human research and start working in clinical neuroimmunology at NCRC (AG Paul) as physician (study doctor) and researcher with a focus on advanced MRI.